DIFFERING OPINIONS: While Christian protesters blew horns and said prayers, a Buddhist monk in full religious apparel rang a bell throughout as a counterprotestBy Abraham Gerber / Staff reporterDozens of Christian protesters yesterday voiced colorful opposition to same-sex marriage at a loud rally outside the Legislative Yuan in Taipei filled with church service parallels.Antelope horns blared as protesters organized by the International Christian Torch Vanguard Service and Ministry Association periodically rotated to face each of the four cardinal directions outside the Legislative名間鄉公教貸款 Yuan gates.While many protesters held placards and occasionally broke into chants in support of “family values,” raised hands and speaking in tongues were also prevalent, with protesters closing their eyes or looking to the sky in apparent prayer, on one occasion spinning in circles while dancing to a hymn.“The horns are meant to bless the land of Taiwan, because it needs to be revived. We hope that Taiwan can partake of God’s glory and receive his blessing, enabling us to grow, multiply and have many children,” association director Andrew Chang (張哲耀) said, in an apparent reference to the book of Genesis.“We’re told that we’re not allowed to oppose same-sex marriage because that would be discrimination, but we have a right to voice our opposition,” association director-general花蓮縣中古屋貸款成數 Deborah Hsin said.“We’re worried because Taiwan needs traditional family values, and same-sex marriage would affect the ethics and morals of the entire nation,” she said. “How can two men or two women be called a marriage? There’s no possibility that they can have children and that’s one of the core responsibilities of marriage.”Chen Mayling (陳美玲) said she joined the protest because she was concerned about legislation on adoption proposed by Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Yu Mei-nu (尤美女), which would ban discrimination against same-sex couples.“I don’t deny homosexual couples might love each other, but they can’t give children both the female and male role models they need,” Chen said.The protest ended with a concluding prayer followed by hugs.Lin Shu-chuan (林恕全), a lay Buddhist monk in full religious apparel, rang a bell throughout the demonstration in a counterprotest.“Buddhism takes a more even view [of homosexuality],” Lin said, “We believe that all sexual love is the same, regardless of whether its heterosexual or homosexual, and just like eating, you cannot go overboard if you want to achieve enlightenment.”新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES